Episode 105 / TSB Bank / Pete Markey / Chief Marketing Officer / InfoSum

What Decentralising Data Can Yield For Marketers In a Post-GDPR World

As the Chief Marketing Officer for TSB Bank, Peter Markey is in charge of all the marketing initiatives for the bank, including the digital sales journey. However, he started his career in a different area working for Centrica (owner of British Gas) and then moving to the AA on what became a failed project and his biggest career mistake and learning opportunity. His Shiny New Object is all about innovation: for the first time on the podcast, it’s the company InfoSum, who offer safe and secure data sharing in a novel way.

Peter’s marketing career had some ups and downs, with one of his learning moments being the time he took a job trying to launch a golf loyalty scheme with the AA, then owned by Centrica. While it sounds like a mismatch looking back, at the time he was motivated by working with a new brand. It did, however, teach him an important lesson when the project failed: “Ask more questions and do work that you’re passionate about.”

This is Peter’s motto, which he’s taken into his life out of work, too. Eager to keep learning and developing, he noticed an advert for a comedy improv group and has been doing that as a hobby throughout the pandemic (holding sessions on Zoom). Meeting different people and becoming passionate about something new has had a great influence on his work, allowing him to make more room for being creative: “You can’t beat that crazy scary moment of having to make stuff up and hoping that it’s funny.”

Sticking with the theme of discovery and innovation, Peter’s Shiny New Object is InfoSum, a company that provides safe and secure access to media in the post-GDPR world. Bypassing the need for data sharing, they put brands in touch with customers, loading data in a secure bunker and matching it via algorithms. What’s great for marketers is that InfoSum have engaged with top media owners, thereby making access to their inventory possible. Connecting data without sharing it is a new and exciting concept that Peter has come across thanks to his constant quest to push the envelope, as “you’re only ever as good as the last company you’ve run.”

To find out more about Peter’s advice for moving on after being made redundant, his best marketing tips and how he uses InfoSum in his role, check out the full podcast episode here.


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Episode 106 / Groupe Renault / Adam Nickson / Head Of Marketing Communications / New Year Marketing Detox)