Marketing Inspiration

The Creative Effectiveness Blog

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Shiny New Object is a podcast about the future of data driven marketing.

Each episode is a conversation with an insightful and influential leader in the industry about the latest data driven tech, trend or talking point to catch their eye.

The purpose of the podcast is for the advertising and marketing industry to learn which trends are going to shape our future.

This podcast doesn’t just focus on new technology but also new beliefs and behaviours that the leaders of our industry are excited about. See all episodes here

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Advertisers Watching Ads is a weekly video series where brands watch other brands’ ads and discuss their merits.

The purpose of the show is to give the industry insight into how brands think about other brands - and what inspiration they take from their peers. We are proud to have Contagious as our partner, choosing ads each week.

See all episodes here

Episode 175 - Trainline goes punk with Get Your Bum on Board campaign

Compounding Creative: A Call to Action for Marketers

Live creative optimisation is enabling brands to increase their media value by 17%. Still, almost 2/3 of marketers don’t do it.

We’ve drawn lessons from billions of impressions served through our in-house platform and researched marketing leaders from a variety of backgrounds. The results? An insufficient adoption of in-flight optimisation, despite it being a key way to boost the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns.

Find out more about the research and learn the first steps to get started to boost your creative effectiveness now.

How to Make it in Marketing Vol #1

The marketing world’s best and brightest give YOU a special insight into what it takes to succeed in the industry.

Are you looking for that first step in marketing and advertising? Or maybe you’ve just landed your first role in the industry - congratulations! - and still have questions about what happens next week? Then download the definitive guide to making it in marketing.