Episode 96 / WalkMe / Luna Froumine / Head of International Marketing & Partners Marketing

WFH Marketers Must Value Their Mental Health And Adjust To “The Next Normal”

This article first appeared on MADInsight

“When you finish work, don’t look at the computer, go do things for yourself,” says Luna Froumine, Head of International Marketing at digital platform WalkMe, my latest Shiny New Object podcast guest.

Luna is passionate about why marketers need to value their mental health. She recognises that the amount of stress and anxiety everyone is going through is high, with furloughs, layoffs and the risk of catching the virus.

If you balance all of that with the responsibilities of being a marketer, where we have to spin many plates and wear many hats, it can be a lot to deal with. Luna believes the modern marketer needs a solution to balance the uncertainty with our ambition.

It’s reassuring to hear a senior marketer going through the same thing as the rest of us – adjusting to this new lack of boundary between working and home.

This is why Luna feels it’s important to adjust to what she calls “the next normal.” Luna recommends taking some time off for yourself and doing something just for you whether it’s downloading yoga apps, meditation or running.

Luna’s message is that some days are going to be easier than others but we’re all in this together.

We don’t know if or when things will go back to how they were so let’s make all this doable and avoid burnout through intentional self-care.


Episode 97 / Lululemon / Carolina Ferreira Lopes / Product Manager / Connecting Customers Online to Offline


Episode 95 / Nestlé / Gerardo Mazzeo / Global Innovation Director