Episode 53 - LIVE! McDonald's Ad Reviewed by Aunt Bessie's and MADE.com

This week’s episode was recorded live in London at MADFest and features a “welcome back” ad by McDonald’s, all about laughing together again.

We’ve all been through some tough times and looking forward to meeting up with friends and loved ones, but does this ad focus too much on that and too little on a “payoff” as we’ve traditionally got to know McDonald’s ads for? Does it tell a story or is it too non-descript?

See what our guests Lauren Spearman (Head of Social + Advocacy at MADE.com) and Sam Dolan (Head of Marketing at Aunt Bessie’s) thought about it in the full episode.


Episode 54 - IKEA Trash Collection Ad Reviewed by LinkedIn, GSK, Anheuser-Busch and MullenLowe


Episode 52 - Canesten Ad Reviewed by Diageo, JCDecaux and LinkedIn