Episode 43 - H&M Ad reviewed by Nivea Face Care and Neurolign

It takes one second to make a first impression. This is what the new H&M ad tells us, and then presents us with their initiative of the “one-second-suit” i.e. free 24-hour suit rental system. A great first impression on viewers, but is it more of a PR stunt? As an ad, does it create a connection with the audience or is it a bit confusing?

This week on Advertisers Watching Ads, we’re joined by Neurolign Technologies’ Tamara Connolly and Nivea Face Care’s Phil Walker to review how the H&M ad raises awareness of the brand’s other offers while also being very topical for our current reality. Although, does it really hit the mark in the “new normal” of fewer face-to-face interviews?

As usual, we cover the multiple levels of the ad and ask the question of how it could have been made better. Join the debate by watching the latest episode and drop us a comment to let you know how you found it.

This week’s ad was chosen by our partners Contagious.

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Episode 44 - Mastercard Ad reviewed by Sky and Beiersdorf


Episode 42 - KFC Ad reviewed by Nurture Brands and Clear Channel